Common Signs of Termite Infestation

Signs of a Termite Infestation

Now that you know the different kinds of termites out there, you should also know what signs to look for in case of a termite infestation.

  • Look near windows, doors, vents and lighting fixtures for swarming termites.
  • Termites shed their wings once they’ve found a new home. Look for dropped wings that are all similar in size.
  • Tunnels or mud tubs that are similar in width to a straw.
  • Termites eat wood from within so be on the look out for hollow wood. Tap the wood with a screwdriver handle and listen for a hollow sound.
  • If you see wood colored droppings that are about the size of a grain of coarse sea salt, you may have termites.
  • Warped and blistered wood from termite activity below the surface.

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