Rodent pest control in Florida is an important issue for homeowners and businesses alike. These pesky critters can cause damage to property, spread diseases, and make your space feel unsanitary. Combat rodent infestation in Florida by taking action to protect your property, prevent disease spread, and maintain a clean and sanitary living or working space.

Identify the type of rodent

To effectively control rodent pests in Florida, it is important to first identify the type of rodent you are dealing with. One of the most common types of rodents found in Florida is the Norway rat. They are known to live in close proximity to humans, and they can reproduce quickly, making them a significant threat to your home or business. Norway rats have different characteristics and habits than roof rats, which are also common in Florida. Once you have identified the type of rodent, you can then implement the appropriate control measures.

Effective rodent pest control

Eliminating food and water sources is one of the most effective ways to control rodent pests in Florida. This can be done by properly storing food, keeping kitchen surfaces clean, and making sure that all possible water sources, such as leaky faucets and clogged drains, are fixed.

To effectively control rodent pests in Florida, seal off potential entry points like holes and cracks in walls. Rodents can squeeze through small openings, so it is important to ensure that all entry points are properly sealed. In addition, trapping and baiting are effective methods for controlling rodent pests. Place traps and baits in areas where rodents are commonly seen or where droppings have been found.

Consider professional extermination

In some cases, the infestation of rodent pests may be too severe or difficult for a homeowner or business owner to handle on their own. This is when it may be necessary to call in a professional pest control company to handle the situation. Professional exterminators are trained and experienced in dealing with rodent infestations and have access to advanced tools and techniques to effectively eliminate the pests.

Another key aspect of rodent pest control in Florida is to seal off entry points. Rodents can squeeze through small openings, so it is important to make sure that all potential entry points are properly sealed. Trapping and baiting are also effective methods of controlling rodent pests in Florida. Traps and baits can be placed in areas where rodents are commonly seen or where droppings have been found.


Florida residents can maintain a rodent-free home by consistently implementing a multi-faceted approach to rodent pest control. Identify the type of rodent, eliminate their food and water sources, seal off entry points, trap and bait. Consider professional extermination to effectively control these pests.